FREE COURSE: How to Sell Like a Human

FREE COURSE: How to Sell Like a Human

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The buyer has changed. You've heard it before, but that's because it's true. Today's buyer is more risk averse, more consensus-driven, and has more information at their fingertips than ever before. And competition has never been stiffer. Thanks to everything from technology advances to a red hot funding climate, rare is the company that lacks a strong, competent competitor. So how do you stand out?

By selling more than product.

To woo NBA superstar Kevin Durant, the Warriors sent a VR headset that immersed him in scenes of a packed Oracle Arena, complete with an impassioned head coach delivering a locker room pump up speech — all set to a track about winning championship rings. The Warriors didn't commoditize their offering by focusing just on a team and a salary. They sold success. They sold the opportunity of personal achievement. They won the deal by tapping into KD's intrinsic motivations in an authentic way. This is what it means to sell like a human.

In this course, you'll learn how five contemporary sales leaders have repeatedly attained success for themselves, and their teams, by taking a more human approach to selling.  

What You Will Learn

  • How to stand out through authenticity
  • How to identify, and leverage your buyer's intrinsic motivations
  • How sales tech can help build stronger relationships and create trust with your buyer
  • The difference between personalization and relevance in outbound messaging
  • How to maintain trust during a handoff between reps

What You Get

  • 1 hour video lecture/webinar

How to Sell Like a Human

Retail value $9.00